The lofty oak from a small acorn grows.
Well, I did end up out of the house with camera in hand. On the way to Pleasanton I thought I'd detour off of 580 and go by way of Dublin Canyon Rd to Foothill Rd. Driving down Dublin Canyon Rd I saw the pumkin patch and had to stop and take some pictures. I saw a lot of adorable little ones pulling wagons and picking up the smaller pumkins. They would have made some really cute pictures, but I didn't want to have to ask each and every parent if it was okay if I could take a picture of their kids. Times like those I wish I had my own little one. But that is a whole nother story entirely!I left the pumkin patch and headed towards Foothil Rd. I figured I'd take Foothill all the way to Bernal, since that was close to where St. Augustine's and Pleasanton Memorial were. So I'm driving along and I'm passing these beautiful oak trees and at one point, even drove by a whole bunch of turkey's. I passed on the turkey's and decided to try my eye at these oaks. The top oak tree is the second one that I saw. I just pulled over onto the side of the road and took the picture from there. It was taken with the zoom, then I added a blood red filter to it in PhotoShop.
Now this one here, this was the first one that I stopped for. It caused me a little bit of trouble. I wanted to get as close as possible to this one, so I had to crawl over some barbed wire fence. I found a spot that was low enough for me, but one of the barbs got caught on my jeans. Ended up putting a small hole in a pair of my new jeans, high up on the inside of my thigh. But in the end, I think it was worth it to get this shot. This oak was on one hill and I was on the down slope of another so I had to use the zoom for this one too. I had to manipulate the picture some in PhotoShop since I was just about damn near facing the sun on this shot. Now see, if I would have had that nice Nikon that I want, I could have but a UV filter over the lens to cut the glare. But no, all I have is this damn little point-n-shoot. Don't get me wrong. I love my little Elph and it has served its purpose way and beyond. I just want to be able to control certain things that I just can't do with this one. Anyway, I did end up making it to the cemeteries, that just so happened to be connected to each other. However, I found these cemeteries a little lacking. I did some good shots though. I found the original wrought iron fence still in place in the front. Ending up taking some pretty okay shots of that.I'm still going through all of the pictures that I took today, so I will try and post more of them tomorrow. I was woken up way too early for a fucking Saturday. Which I think was sometime around 6:30, and couldn't get back to sleep. So I'm off to bed.
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