"...On her once white wings,
She will be carrying the weight of our deeds
And she bleeds for love,
Forever gone..."
~ Ville Valo
My inner alarm clock woke me up at 7 this morning. As I was laying in bed trying to fully wake up (this usually takes an hour), I looked out my window and saw that it was a beautiful, sunny morning. Two cups of coffee (to completely wake me up), a quick bite to eat followed by a quick bathroom run of brushing teeth, wash face and run wet fingers through hair and then pretty much throwing in the same clothes from yesterday, and I am out the door. From the time I opened my eyes this morning, two hours later I was back up at the cemetery. This time I took two fully charged batteries with me. However, those only lasted about 3 hours.
Ran into another guy taking pictures. I could see that he had a really nice camera, with a kick ass telephoto zoom lens. I asked him if he'd trade camera's with me, and he laughed. Yeah, I would have too if I was him. We talked a little bit about digital cameras. He had one of the new SLR D50 Nikon's. For the body alone they are like $800+. One of these days, I will have me a nice camera like that. Until then, I just have to settle for my little ole Canon PowerShot S400 Digital Elph. However, Christmas is just around the corner. If anyone would like to pick me up a SLR digital camera as a present, please feel free.
Yesterday I was only able to take 49 pictures. Today I took 166. I took the color and black & whites like I did yesterday, however today I used the sepia format as well. I've downloaded all the pics onto my computer when I got home and have played with quite a few of the pics. I dunno though, I'm just not feeling these pictures today now that I see them. I will play with them more as the days go by, although I think I've only got 8 days left for PhotoShop, which really sucks. Why can't I have a cheap hobby?!
As many pictures that I have taken over the years of cemeteries, I could probably publish a book. Okay, maybe not. But I can dream can't I? You want to know what is a dream of mine? I would love to go to Europe and visit their cemeteries, and of course take a shit load of pictures. I'd like to go to Le Cimetière du Père-Lachaise in France. Not only just to visit Jim Morrison's grave, but the cemetery itself is just breath takingly gorgeous! One of these days I will have a kick ass digital SRL camera and travel all over Europe taking as many picutes as I can. One day...
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