Ukiah in Autumn
Today I spent the day doing absolutely nothing. I think I woke up sometime around 10 am. Me, Wenchy, Lovie, and her two friends all didn't get to sleep until sometime after 2am this morning. We all went out to the movies and saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I dunno, I guess because I read the Harry Potter books as soon as they come out, I found the Goblet of Fire a bit lacking. Don't get me wrong. It was a great movie, but they leave out some very important minor details. In the Goblet, they really never explained the out come of the wand duel between Harry and Lord Voldermort. Which is a pretty key detail in why Lord Voldermort was not able to kill Harry, yet again. For those of you who have read the book, you all know from the first book when Harry finally received his wand from Alivan's, Alivan explains that the pheonix that gave a feather for Harry's wand gave only one other feather and it was in the wand that gave Harry his scar on his forehead. I don't have the Goblet of Fire book in front of me, but the Goblet explains why Harry and Voldermort's wands reacted the way they did towards each other. Anyway, I'm not here for a Harry Potter books versues the moives debate at this moment. Moving on...As I was saying earlier, I just about spent all of today doing absolutely nothing. I was outside smoking a butt earlier when I really took a notice that Ukiah seemed to have a lot of trees around here that were actually changing. Just last night, as we were leaving for the movies, I noticed that the leaves on the gound near my car where huge. Since I had brought my digital camera with me, I thought why not spend some time outside taking in all the the beautiful colors of fall, of all the leaves on the ground and the leaves still hanging onto the trees showing off their colors.
After farting around outside for a while I grabbed Lovie and we went driving around looking for some shots. Unfortunately it was quite late in the day and the sun was totally in the wrong spot to get some really good shots that weren't more shaded than anything else. Which really took away from really seeing all the colors. We did happen upon this park though that was light up somewhat okay still by the sun. These two are my favorite shots that I was able to get. I as just about to get a really good black and white shot of a daisy bush when my damn battery finally died. But I've got all day tomorrow and Tuesday to drive around town to find more shots while the sun is out and not ready to go down.
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