I go out into the back yard. I hear the cry again. I see this little ball of fur walking unsteadily along the back fence, tangled in the flowering vine that is growing rampant, crying its little heart out.
I bend down to pick it up. “Please be a girl. Please be a girl.”
Oh my gawd, this kitten is so tiny. It looks no more than 4 weeks old. I know where it crawled from, my neighbor behind us to the left. There is a gap underneath the fence over in the corner that goes into their yard. What I am thinking though is, “What in the hell are babies this small doing outside in the first place!?”
She is the cutest damn thing I have ever seen, this little fluff ball. She is so small she fits in the palm of my hand. I’m still a little angry that she was outside and was able to crawl so far away from her mother. There is no way in hell I am taking her back to them. Oh. Hell. No. She is mine.

By the time I was finished drying her and comb out all the fleas it started pouring outside. Good thing I found her when I did or she would have been caught in the storm that we had that night.
Sable wasn’t too crazy about her, at all. “Tough shit! You’ll just have to get used to her.” I tell her. She takes one more sniff at her then climbs up onto her cat tree so she can glare at her and keep her eyes on the little intruder.
I called in sick to work the next day. I needed to take her to the vet and get her checked out and start her on her series of shots. I took Sable in too since she was over due for her shot. So Sable was none to pleased with me all the way around after that!
The vet said she looked to be in great health, was about 4-5 weeks old, and weighed a mere 13 oz. I knew I was going to have to feed her formula still since she was not typically old enough to be weaned from her mother yet. So I got a few cans of the liquid KMR and a bottle.
She didn’t take too well to the bottle, but she did take to drinking her formula out of a small dish. Before the end of the week was over I had to go to the pet store and buy her the 2nd step weaning powder for her. She definitely needed something thicker to fill her belly.
I was not looking forward to the potty training portion. However two days after I found her she was also already going in a little make shift litter box that I made for her.
It was on the second day while I was at work that I finally settled on a name for her. Gypsy. Perfect name for my little wanderer and her piercing blue eyes.

This picture was taken by Wenchy while Gypsy was on her lap. I think Wenchy was a little afraid that her two big behemoth cats, Chloe and Elmo J, were going to eat her up, so she kept Gyspy on her lap. Gypsy was tiny to begin with, next to her two cats she looked like a poor little hamster. Chloe and Elmo J were actually not too bad with her. But I made sure they were never left alone with her.
Sable has since grown tolerant of Gypsy. They are complete opposites, night and day. Sable is more like me, she doesn't want anything to do with you unless it is her idea. She hates to be picked up and held, and is pretty much stubborn, but is very mellow. Gyspy on the other hand. She is just a bundle of engery, bouncing off the walls. If she could run up the walls she would. She is also very affectionate. She always has to be laying on me, or near me. While she was still a baby she had to sleep pretty much damned near on my face, which she still does from time to time. When it's really cold both of them will sleep under the covers with me. When they both feel the need to lay with me I feel bit smothered. I have a queen sized bed, yet they both seem to hog the damn thing.
It's funny. Sable was pretty much all I wanted, yet since Gypsy I can't imagine being without either of them. Sable with her velvety black fur that looks like a sable coat and Gyspy with those big blue eyes and her wet nose. My two little angels, who are both curled together sleeping at the foot of the bed right now. It won't be long until they both wake up. Then Sable will torment Gypsy by chasing her throughout the house until Gypsy runs back into my bedroom and into the one corner where she crawls into to try and get away from her. Then I'll yell at Sable to leave her alone and she'll walk away, leaving Gypsy still cowering in the corner. As soon as Gypsy get's halfway across my room it starts all over again, as Sable lays in wait for her to come out.
Yeah, I love my two little
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