Thursday, March 30, 2006

Fucking piece of shit!

Back in October/November of last year my Archos Jukebox hard drive took a shit on me. It looked similar to the one pictured on the left. I had the 20GB version. I loved this thing! I hated the fact that its portable functionality was not as desirable as an iPod. It was a bit weighty and it got really warm when it was on, as most external hard drives are and do. But I really did love this thing. I loved how as an external hard drive I could access all my folders directly and could ‘manage’ them the way I wanted to. I could add folders, rename my mp3’s, and move them all around any which way I wanted to. Yet I was still able to access all my mp3’s and play them through whichever player I wanted to on my computer or unplug it from my computer and play my mp3’s straight off of it.

When my hard drive finally took a shit on me, I was pretty upset that I’d have to buy a new mp3 player/external hard drive. Being the lazy ass that I am, I didn’t look into seeing what Archos had possibly redesigned their 20GB player into now. I just said fuck it, went to Best Buy and bought the 30GB iPod in black. After all, iPod is all the fucking rage right? So, why not? So, I did.

I don’t know why I gave into buying the damned thing. I hate Apple and its products. What experiences I have had with MAC computers have not been good. I just find that the interface with the Windows based computer a lot easier and a lot more user friendly. Don’t get me wrong, Windows has its shares of problems, just like any computer does, but it is really just an easier system to understand. After playing with this fucking iPod and trying to figure out its external hard drive function and everything else, I’ve come to find that I still HATE Apple products!

First off I hate the fact that you have to download iTunes onto your computer and is the only way to export the mp3’s onto the fucking thing. There is no drag and drop functionality from one drive to the other, or from folder to folder.

Second thing up, I hate the fact that you have to download your CDs onto your computer into iTunes before you can add them to the fucker! What the fuck?!? That takes up fucking space. The whole point of getting a 30GB mp3 player was to avoid taking up all that space on my computer!

And my last complaint, I hate the fact that I can not go in and manage my mp3’s. I can’t rename them, I can’t add folders or manage the folders that are there the way I want them, which means that I also can not move around and manage my mp3’s the way I want to. What the fuck?! Have you gone into the folders on your iPod and tried looking at your songs? How in the hell can you even tell what song is which without having to looking it up?! It looks like when the song is exported onto the iPod through the fucking iTunes that it only takes the first letter from every word in the song and that is now the song name. How fucking lame. Again, I HATE MY FUCKING IPOD!

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. The damn battery doesn’t last as long as it claims to say it does either. It pisses me off that I might have to take it in to get the fucking battery replaced just because it could be that I just happen to get an iPod that has a bad battery. But what the fuck?! I shouldn't have to, I bought the thing brand fucking new and expect to have a battery that lasts as long as it states.

I hate the fucking thing so much that I haven’t even taken the time to figure out how to delete all the songs that I’ve got on there to start all over and try to figure out how to maybe make this damn thing into something I might be able to possibly tolerate. I only got it so I can have something a little bit more pleasingly portable for my music only. I haven’t tried adding any videos or adding any of my pictures or any fucking thing else this damn thing is capable of doing.

Is it just me or am I the only one that hates their fucking iPod?!

1 comment:

Johnny Virgil said...

go to and check out anapod.

It's all I use.