This big brown bastard lives in my backyard. It only comes out at night. I just happen to see it one night while I was having a smoke. I saw a big dark spot against the dimly lit night sky. Took a walk over and saw this bastard.
Everyday I look to see if its huge web is still hung between my fence and lemon tree. Sure 'nough, so I've been keeping an eye out for it every night as well. And everynight there it is sitting in the center of its web.
This was my third nightly try of trying to get a decent picture. After finally getting the tripod out and fooling around with the settings of my camera I finally got it. The whole while hoping that the damn thing didn't decide to jump on me. I'm not afraid of spiders per say, well, at least not as bad as my mother is of them.
From what I have found on the internet I'm guessing that it is a harmless garden spider called an Orb Weaver. What I found on them was:
"Vary greatly in color, shape and size, measuring between 2 - 30mm (1/16 -- 1 1/4") long. They have eight eyes arranged in two horizontal rows of four eyes each."
I'm sorry, I didn't get close enough to look it in the eyes. Plus it was too dark to see them.
"Most orb weavers spin spiraling webs on support lines that radiate outward from the center; the plane of the web may be vertical or horizontal or somewhere in between. Many of this family replace the entire web daily, spinning a new web in the early evening
(this usually takes about an hour) and deconstructing the web each morning in a ritual almost as complex as the spinning process: they gather the silk into a ball and eat it for reprocessing."
I can say that if it was to stand on top of a quarter you can bet your sweet ass that it would cover it completely. It's pretty big and the web is huge and just absolutely georgous! Good thing I know that it's there. It's about 6 ft off the ground, pretty much right at face level. I walk down the
walk there where it is hanging sometimes at night. How'd you like to be walking into THAT in the middle of the night NOT knowing it's there?!
I'll pass thank you very much!
I'll leave the spiders to Spidey.
How's this for a big hairy spider, Wench?! This one doesn't creep me out half as bad as the weird HUGE cream colored spiders that hung underneather the porch roof, ALL AROUND Wenchy's house back in New Hampshire. Those things just creeped me the fuck out! And they were everywhere!
This was taken last night at 11:30pm, 6/6/06. Gotta love the number of the beast!
I'm surprised I didn't end up having some weird nightmare involving huge, hairy spiders with hundreds of eyes looking at me like I'm their next meal. :::okay, that just creeped me out:::
I'm going to try again tonight and see if I can't get a more clear, sharper, more detailed picture of her. When it's the middle of the night and dark as shit out, it's kind of hard to see what it is that you are trying to focus on. I saw another web out when I went to check out the her web this morning
to see if she did eat hers for reprocessing later. So I might have another one out there.
Anyway, I'm thinking of calling her, Fluffy.
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