Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Ro-Sham-Bo Court

So this afternoon while I was taking a smoke break I picked up the Bay Area Living section of the Daily Review, only because it was out there and I was bored. I started reading the front page and read about these two lawyers that "are embroiled in an insurance lawsuit and cannot agree about where to conduct the deposition of a witness." Typical.

What I read next made me laugh so hard. At the order of a federal judge in Florida, these two lawyers are to meet at a neutral site on June 30th and settle their dispute. So how has this federal judge ordered them to settle this little disagreement? The good ole time honored, tried and true method that children all over the world have been settling their disputes for years. By playing Rock Paper Sissors, also known as Roshambo, of course! Everyone knows that is the only way to settle any dispute.

How many of us as children, hell...as adults even!, have settled a dispute or a decision by playing rock, paper, sissors? I mean, com'mon, the odds are a lot more fun than just flipping a flippin' coin and calling heads or tails. You've got rock that beats sissors; scissors that beat paper; and paper that beats rock. What more do you need?!

Hell, even Danielle De Barbarac and Prince Henry played rock, paper, sissors while they were at the gyspy camp getting drunk, in Ever After. Highly unlikely that Roshambo existed back then, you say? Think again.

According to the official
USA Rock Paper Sissors Leauge (yes, they have a website AND they have a monthy RPS podcast! I shit you not!) is that it all began over 6.3 million years ago in East Africa when prehistoric men first became bipedal. So there you have it, the worlds oldest sport known to mankind.

If only we could get that cunt Bush out of office as easily. Oh I'm sorry Mr. President. Paper covers rock, rock doesn't crush paper. Okay, see ya. Buh-bye!

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