Cemetery of Does & Bucks.
Yesterday Lovie and I went to the Ukiah Cemetery. I was taking a picture of a statue that was atop one of the markers. I was totally absorbed in what I was doing, setting up my tripod, positioning my camera trying to find what looked good through the LCD display. I heard a noise off to my left and saw 3 does. Well, I am more like assuming that they were does. A couple of them still look like yearlings, that a couple of them just might grow into bucks. It amazed me to see so many of them all in one place. It's not like I don't see deer just because I am from a big city area. We have our fair share of deer too, it's just that you normally see them in the early morning and just before dusk near the damned freeway feeding. The whole side of the hills just peppered with them feeding too close to the traffic flying by.After looking more carefully I notice a couple more of them. If you look very carefully (or click on the picture to enlarge it) you can see one of the younger ones lying behind a small headstone, just below the second deer from the left.
After I was done taking pictures of first the deer and then the statue, we take off for another section in the cemetery. Again, oblivous to all except the noisy squirrels fighting and all the old grave sites I was happening upon. I had forced my eyes to scan out a little further. To my left I found a 3 point buck grazing. He's the one facing me in the picture. A little more to the right of him was the 2 pointer. At first he was lying down behind a small tombstone. I was trying to get a little bit closer to him without spooking him. But as you can see, it didn't work. I was able to get a pretty good picture of both of them in the same frame though. I still find amazing beauty in nature and her children. These Black Tailed deer are absolutely beautiful. I was gald I got a chance to happen upon them.
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