Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Hospital, Beer - Tag! You're it!

So I went and visited my Grammy in the hospital after work. She had a bad night last night so I didn't stay long. She looked like she needed some rest really bad. But after talking to my mom she told me why Grammy had a bad night. Apparently it was too windy last night and she was upset that the nurses wouldn't call an ambulance to take her away. Just where she expected the ambulance to take her, I have no idea. Yeah. I'm a little worried about my grandma's state of mind these days, amung other things.

After seeing her in the hosptial, looking so old and so frail, just killed me. So I was off to Porky's to go have a beer. A pint of Snow Plow milk stout to be exact! Mmm, mmm, mmm. I am so glad Gary finally got a stout back on tap. I've been hitting Porky's a lot since Thurdsay, just about every night. I'm not sure if it's because of my Grammy or just to get a glimps of Zen. Either way, I sure have been needing these beers! Drowning the pain of my Grammy in a beer and having some eye candy. It's all good, right? Well, I got to drown in my beer tonight at least.

Anyway. I get home and turn on the ole laptop to check my e-mail, mainly my credit card's reminding me that I still have to pay them. I'll just ignore those for a bit. E-mail checked. Next, checked out MySpace. Not much going on there. Next, moving on to catch up on my blog reading. There are a few that I like to read daily.

First up: The Fish. Her blog today she ponders on just when did she become a grown up. Yeah, I can totally relate to that. I keep asking myself that question too. You think being 37 I'd have a clue. Nope, still don't.

Next up: WhirlyGurl. She's playing along with a "List 5 weird things about yourself" posting. Oh, and Whirly, your number 3 is not all that weird. I prefer to watch girl on girl porn too. But of course, anyone who actually takes the time to read my ramblings already knows that about me. [He,he] Then I get to the bottom of her list and I see a "Tag. You're it" with 5 names listed. Holy crap! Am I reading this right? She tagged me? Yep, apparently I don't need glasses yet.

Okay, so here goes. 5 weird things about me... [Oh the pressure!]

1. People who whistle irritate the hell out of me. I don't know why, but this sound just absolutely gets on my nerves. In my office we have quite a few of them. I try to stay way clear of them. Thank gawd I have my own office to hide in. [I also hate the sound of the plastic shopping bags. My cat Gypsy loves to fucking play in them. If there is one hiding some where, you can bet your sweet ass she'll find it. Drives me up a wall! As soon as I hear her playing with one I am on her faster than a flea can jump! One of these days I'm afraid I'm going to come home and find her sufficated in one. ]

2. I have to keep my blinds and/or curtains open all the time, even at night. I've never really been clausterphobic, but this started about 10 years ago. I feel like I am boxed in if I can't see out my windows. This includes my bedroom windows. The bathroom is the only room that I keep the curtains closed, go figure on that one. Living room window has sheer curtains, I don't feel as boxed in with those.

3. I'm a picker/popper. My cuticles are a mess. Just when they have healed from the last picking I am back at them again. Same goes for any little scab on my body. And backheads too. I used to have a field day popping all the black heads on Mr. Love. Tough guys aren't so tough once you start squeezing and popping. Big babies!

4. I don't like having anyone help me clean or ask anyone to do anything for me. I'm a Virgo and am very anal in the way that I do things. I have a method to the way I do ALL things; MY WAY. They wanted me to train some people at work when I was still in customer service, it was a nightmare for me.

5. The first feature I will notice on a man and a woman is thier eyebrows, then their hands. I have a thing for eyebrows and hands. Oh, and hip bones. I think hip bones are very sexy!
[An addendum to this last one since I was a bit inebriated when I wrote this: I also have a weird attraction to veins too. I loved to trace my ex's veins on his inner arms with my finger tips when they were all engorged and popping out. Eyebrows, hips, and veins...very sexy and very sensual!]

Good Lord, man! That was harder than losing my virginity.

Tag! You're it:
Sarcasm, Goofy Gracie, Therapy 101, and Bloody Munchkin.

I will now commence with the rest of my blogrolling.



Crystal said...

I just came across your blog by way of Whirlygurly. I was reading your list and noticed I have 2 of the same "wierdnesses" (yea not a word) anyway, I pick absolutly everything. Pimples, blackheads, scabs, you name it, but not only mine, but my sister's, my son's, whoever will let me actually. It drives me crazy to be talking to someone and see a big whitehead on their face, it takes alot not to reach over and sqeeze!!! Also the eyebrow thing, that is the first thing I notice about people also....funny coincidence....

Tiger Lady T said...

Welcome Crystal! Yea I know what you mean about curbing those picking/squeezing urges. According to my mother, I've been a picker ever since I was a baby. I've got a scar on the bridge of my nose, that my mom says is from when I was a toddler. I had a scab there that I would constantly pick. She said it used to frustrate her, trying everything to stop me from picking at it. Then she just gave up.

There is just something so sexy and so sensual about eyebrows to me. Now that I think about it, I have a thing for veins too. I used to love to trace the veins on my ex's inner arms with my finger tips when they were all popping out. It gives me tingling chills just thinking about it!