At one point in the evening I had a very strange encounter with one of the kids. I was standing by the chocolate fountain table waiting to dip some strawberries when this kid in front of me starts talking to me.
“Are you Teena?”
I’m looking at this kid wondering how in the hell he knew who I was. I mean we all had name tags, but I had put mine on the inside of the sweater I was wearing so you couldn’t see it.
So I ask him, “How do you know who I am?”
“I know the future,” he says as he is spreading his hands apart like some magician/seer.
Okay, you little smart ass! I’m looking down at this kid and he’s just got this shit-eating grin on his face.
“Whose kid are you?”
He’s still got this damned grin on his face.
I’m sizing this kid up, taking a really good look at him. He’s probably somewhere around 11-12 years old. Cute kid. Blonde hair and blue eyes (at least I think I remember them being blue). Quite the little charmer. I then bend down with a shit-eating grin of my own.
I look at him and say, “You’re so-and-so’s kid, aren’t you?!”
That got him. He was quite surprised that I was able to figure out who his dad was.
Then he goes on to say that he said his dad told him he’d give him 5 dollars if he talked to me.
Oh did he now! Now, why in the hell would I be the one pointed out for this kid to talk too out of the whole room? I’ve got my suspicions, but I’m just going to keep them there. That is just one place I don’t wanna go.
So I ask him his name and he tells me. I then tell him, “Well, you tell your dad that I said he owes you $10.”
He says that I’ll have to go with him to prove to his dad that he talked to me. Well, one of the owner’s was just starting his long speech. So I told him that after the speech was over he and I would go find his dad and talk to him.
Some time went by, but I didn’t forget about my promise to the boy. I was going to enjoy this one. So I go and find the boy and we go and find his dad.
“So, Evan here tells me you owe him $10,” I smile to him.
He was smiling and trying to pretend like he had no idea what I was talking about. I explained to him that Evan told me the whole thing. It was then when he asked me, “What did he tell you?”
Shit-eating grin on my face. “Everything.”
That got him. Now he wanted to know just what Evan told me.
I just acted coy, smiled and said, “Just that you owe him $10.”
He wasn’t going to have any of that. He said he and I were going to have a little talk. I just laughed, smiling wickedly, turned around and walked off.
He did end up cornering me over at my table a little while later, trying to explain the whole thing to me. I’m not buying what he said though. There is just something that tells me otherwise. Call it women’s intuition. I could be wrong, but I seldom have been when I get these feelings. There have been too many other little things that I’ve noticed. But like I said, I’m not even going to go there. I’ve already said more than I should have. I’m just going to leave it alone.
So, yeah. I ended up having a really good time. I didn’t plan on drinking, even though we had an open bar. Me and alcohol don’t get a long anymore. It’s just fuel to trigger my headaches. However, there were a couple bottles of wine on each of the tables. I ended up having the merlot all to myself and killed about half of it.
It was funny watching one of the sales guys that I work with boys networking at the party. Especially one of the females that was working the party. Yep, they can pitch a line just like their old man!
Later when so-and-so left for the night, I told him don't forget that he owes Evan $10. He kept saying $5. I just kept shaking my head, smiling, saying $10. It'll be interesting to see if anything more is said come Monday. I'll of course ask if he gave him the $10. I'm not going to let him forget this one of his son selling him out.
After the party was over I stuck around a little while longer. Our party was at the Jack London Aquatic Center. I wanted to get a few pictures of the Alameda side of the Estuary.

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