It all started the end of June of last year. See, I used to have long hair, almost down to the bottom of my ass. Then I got a wild hair up my ass (them damn stray hairs) and decided that I wanted to chop all my hair off. It had been almost 6 months since Mr. Love had taken my heart and mangled the hell out of it and I wanted to do something new. I figured if Alanis Morrisette (I had even been told one time that I looked like her) could do it, I could too. However, it was actually from watching an old show of Charmed that I fell in love with Alyssa's hair. So, armed with a picture of Alyssa I was off to my hair dressers house.
Now, the thing with finding a hair cut that you like on another person...it doesn't necessarily mean that it will look good on you too! First, not only was I freaked out when she handed me my long ass pony tail to me when she started, cause that now meant that it was too late for me to change my mind. There was no turning back now. Where was the damned Tempest from Charmed when I needed him now!?! It was when I finally got a look of myself in the mirror after she was done. OH. MY. GAWD. Well, Alyssa I sure am not! Oh well, it's just hair. It'll grow back right? In the meantime? What in the hell do I do with it?! I'm not your typical girly girl. I have no idea how to style hair, nor even know how to begin to even try and experiment with this new do! Well, it looks like I am just fucked until this bad idea of mine finally grows out.
After that first initial cut I did end up going back to my hair dresser a couple of months or so and cut it all back again. After that I did pretty good and let it grow out. By July of this year it had managed to grow out to my shoulders. I hated it with a passion though. It was still not long enough to do anything with and still too short to put it up. I missed my long hair, but I have NO patience. Within a few weeks I was calling my hair dresser and back to my dyke do.
Here I keep telling myself that I'm not going to cut my hair anymore, and just last month I got it cut again. I figured I'd temporarily dye it black just to change things up a bit. I was still waiting for the black to completely wash out before I colored it again. Yet, there I was up in Ukiah at Wenchy's when Heffy shows up. She came over to have help dying her hair. She was going to dye it a brown color and then bleach streaks in it. She got as far as the color part. After already mixing up the bleaching batch she wanted help with the streaking part. Wenchy was having no part of fucking up her hair. I told her that I'd help her, but I was with Wenchy. There was no way I was going to fuck with trying to streak her hair. I'd never done that, well except back in the 80's, but that was just one section. (I'll have to break out the ole photos for that one! Ah, the 80's! You just gotta love that totally fashionably awkward time!) Heffy ended up just stopping after just coloring it. But, since the bleaching stuff was already mixed up... Yeah, I decided to try and streak my hair just for the hell of it. If all else fails, I'd just make a trip to Walmart in the morning for a box of my own hair coloring. The results?

It ended up not turning out half as bad as I thought it would. My hair still had the temporary, 28 shampoo black that was still clinging to my hair way after the 28 shampoos, so my ends are pretty dark with the really vibrant red at the roots blending towards the spiced deep, dark, delicious brown blending into the black. I don't think I've got a chance in hell of the black ever washing out completely now that I just locked it in with the Crushed Garnet. But over all. Not bad. I have to say that this is a kick ass color that I know I will NEVER be able to duplicate ever again. I can't say that I've finally learned how to style the damn thing, but it's a kick ass color!

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