Thursday, January 19, 2006

Uhmmm, Ye-eah

I just really haven't had anything to talk about. All I do know is if I hear, "Are you alright?", in question to my Grammy, ONE. MORE. FUCKING. TIME. I'm going to blow a gasket. I know everyone means well, and I appreciate the gesture. But really people, I am alright. I know that she is happy where she is, she showed me and told me herself. That's all I needed to know.

I guess I could talk about my weekend bar experience in Ukiah. Our Friday night venture out to the bar was mellow. Saturday night was a little bit more lively. I met the 'new' guy. But do you really want to hear what I think about Wenchy's new guy? Or how Wenchy was trying to get me to kiss her all night long at the bar on Saturday night? Or how after the men in the bar were told that I was a "lesbian", that 2 of them told me flat out that they wanted to fuck me?

Yea, which was the reason why Wenchy was trying to get me to kiss her all night long. I know she just wanted to fuck with these guy's heads, but this was not your typical 20 something bar playing all the popluar music filled with young, horny guys. This was a bar that was more of the 30 and over crowd with a jukebox that was spewing out everything from Marilyn Manson to Stevie Ray Vaughan. One of them just having gotten out of prison after spending a couple of years there. Another one was a native american indian that was drunk off his ass too, and looked mean as hell if you looked at him the wrong way. He was flirting like hell with me, this one was. Then there was Wenchy all up in my face saying, "Kiss me, Wenchy. Kiss me." Uhmmm, ye-eah. NO! These men in this bar were D.R.U.N.K. I'm not about to go kissing my Wenchy for a little bit of mind fucking. A couple of these men were already hitting on me hard core, I was not about to start something I had no intention of starting OR finishing. Call me a wuss, I don't care. There are some men (read: young, dumb, and full of cum) you can fuck with like that, then there are these men that you don't want to start something unless you plan on finishing it.

What killed me out of these guys from that night (Satuday), was this one married guy that came in, already drunk off his ass. He completely reminded me of my ex-bf, The Clinger. From the way he looked physically right down to the way he looked and acted while drunk. Dead on to The Clinger. To top it all off, his name was the same as my ex-husbands. I had two ex's all rolled into one, sit right by me. He was one of the ones that wanted to fuck me. After he found out I was a "lesbian" he kept telling me how he would love to fuck me. I told him that I would break him, then how would he explain that to his wife. He said he didn't care, said he'd like to die trying.

The best part of all that? I had a great fucking time! I had a helluva lot to drink Saturday night than I did Friday night, yet by the time we all left the bar Wenchy was completely drunk off her ass and I was sober as hell. I must have had about 4 pints of Guinness, a Komikaze some guy bought me, and a shot of Southern Comfort. I should have been pretty drunk, or at least buzzing pretty damn good. Nope. I was sober as when I first walked in. I have to tell you though, drinking water inbetween all those drinks helped a lot. I like to drink, but I don't like getting drunk. Fuck that hangover shit the next morning. No, I'll drink my water between every one that contains alcohol, thank you very much.

What about my thoughts on the new guy, you ask? Ye-eah... About him... Uhmmm... Ye-eah...

Moving on.

I've got a little bar tip for all you guys out there. If you want to buy a woman a drink make sure you ask her what she wants before ordering it. Then expecting her to drink it just because you already paid for it? Yeah, you should of made sure it was a drink she liked first before you took it upon yourself to order it. And if you want to buy a woman ANOTHER drink, make sure she wants to have another drink before you order her another one. She might not want to have anymore after all the drinks she has already had. After the fuss you made about that other one already being paid for, she feels like she has to drink it just so she doesn't have to hear how you already paid for it. Then again, this is just my opinion. Ladies, how do you feel??

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