Monday, January 29, 2007

Phase One

Well, it's not really phase one, per say, cause then that would mean that I've actually set some goals or some sort of resolutions for the New Year. And you all know I refused to jump on the NY Resolution band wagon like so many countless others.

So, what is this so called Phase One that I'm talking about? Well, I decided that it was time to stop smoking, again. I'm hoping that this time will be the last time I wll have to do this. It was pretty stupid of me to start back up again NYE of 2004, specially since I had been smoke free for a little over 3 years, but I did and it was a 2 year downward spiral after that.

Today marks 28 days that I have been smoke free. It's been tough. I'm still craving them little bastards like hell. It's not the nicotine so much that I'm missing though. I'm doing this cold turkey, no patch giving me little doses of nicotine. It's more just the action of smoking a butt, having something to do. I find when I am on the phone is when I really crave them the most. All I have to do is smell someone who has just smoked a butt though and all thoughts of smoking disappear. Although it still doesn't erase the urges to have one.

So now here I am almost a month in of being smoke free, that I now feel about 100 lbs. heavier. Always a drawback. One exchange for another. Old habits die hard. Now it is time to move onto so called Phase Two.

The gym.

Today is the day that I have decided to get my ass back in gear and try to get my ass into shape. I'm setting aside Mon, Wed, and Fri after work for the gym. That leaves me Tues and Thur for my lab nights. I'm hoping this schedule ends up working out.

Here goes nothing!

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