Tuesday, February 13, 2007

What's love got to do with it?

Valentine's Day.

Traditionally the day where lovers express their love for each other.

I never really understood this tradition.

Why should we set aside one day out of the whole year to show our significant other that we love them? Just so we can spend an absurd amount of money to support the economy? (Christmas being the biggest day of all days that defines whether we had a good economical year or not.)

Well, that's just silly!

This is something we should do everyday.

And I don't mean by buying material objects to express the way we feel about our loved one. Anyone can buy 'things' that supposedly says I love you. Saying, "I love you" isn't enough either. Anyone can say it and not mean it. It's their actions, what they do, that really tells you how much they love you.

What does your love do for you?

What do you do for your love?

Do you do this everyday?

It's everyday that counts, not just Valentine's Day.

You all might think I'm just being bitter.

"Bitter...table for one..."

Quite the contrary actually. I'm single and plan to be that way for quite a while. That's my choice. Last year I wouldn't have even fathomed the thought, but I know it's possible that there just might be another man (or woman) out there for me. Until then, I'm just going to take my time and enjoy what life has to offer me, everyday. And I'm going to enjoy all these days with my family and friends...MY loved ones.

Because, it's not just a series of 'one certain days' throughout the year that are special.

It's everyday.

Besides, I don't need Valentine's Day to know that I'm loved.

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