Is it time for my Wellbutrin pill yet?!
Empower me with the serenity to accept the things I can not change;
Courage to change the things I can;
and Wisdom to know the difference.
today has been bad day, emotionally. full moon. it figures! i think my emotions have a mind of its own and likes to make me feel like i am a crazy, unstable woman.
i always put myself in positions where i have to give up pieces of me. i know i shouldn't, but i do. then i get to the point when i ask myself, "how much will i know is enough?" i know that if i have to ask myself that question that the answer is that i've already given too much
love... gotta love love
well, yeah. of course i am talking about love. to what else are we so quick to give?! we women have no shame when it comes to love. some of us even will go so far as to do anything, and i do mean anything, for love. some, more so than others.
all our lives we are fed all the bullshit fairy tale stories of princes. the little girl in me still believes. my heart believes that i have found 'the one'. only he is emotionally broken, emotional scarred, and emotionally confused. but most of all, emotionally scared of getting hurt. been hurt by too many people when he was still a child that he just turned the emotions off. emotional childhood scars are the hardest to mend. I know. I had...have a lot of them myself. i finally faced mine about 10 years, i have since worked through many of them. came to terms with some of them as well. still working on quite a bit of them while in my current relationship. the only relationship i've actually 'tried' to make work. a first for me! why? 'cause i really do feel that he is worth it
in my heart and in my mind i know he is worth it. i've got to believe that he feels the same
1 comment:
My name is Todd Thomas and i would like to show you my personal experience with Wellbutrin.
I am 29 years old. Have been on Wellbutrin for 2 weeks now. The positives do not outweigh the negatives in any way.I strongly recommend trying natural dopamine supplements that are out there including Gaba.Look into it.All that I was getting with anti-depressants was frustration which led to helplessness which led to hopelessnes and suicidal feelings.Its really sad to know that drugs whether legal or not,can become a dependency factor,and when they fail to live up to the standards,and after all the $$$ has been handed over,we all end up right back where we started.I am always interested in talking to people about this subject..
I have experienced some of these side effects -
Insomnia,extreme energy surges and stomach aches.I also had appetite decrease.
I hope this information will be useful to others,
Todd Thomas
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