Wednesday, September 21, 2005

INXS new front man...

INXS presents to you, J.D. Fortune as their new lead singer.

Just as I sais it would be, the competition was between J.D. and Marty last night.

I like Marty, but when I look at him I see Iggy Pop. Marty would be a great lead singer for a punk band. He just doesn't have the right vocal tone for the INXS songs, he's too high pitched for them.

My mom and I have our differnce of opinions about J.D. I've stated from week 6 that it was going to be J.D. My mom doesn't like J.D. and calls him "Nothing but an Elvis impersonator, nothing more." Her theroy is that the only reason that INXS picked J.D. is for his 'Pretty Vegas' song. She seems to think J.D. won't last but a year before they get rid of him. That's my mom. The negative side of everything. But, that is her opinion and she is welcome to it.

I just hope that J.D. remembers to stay grounded. Young egos have a way of manifesting quite quickly and blinding ones sight. I wish him all the best as he begins his new journey with INXS.

All I've got to say is...DID I NOT CALL IT!?!

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