Sunday, October 23, 2005

And all the way, to guide their chime, with falling oars they kept the time.

This weekend I didn't go anywhere. I pretty much stayed in my room all weekend. I finally got up and took a shower today, only because I was craving a mexican ceasar salad from El Toritos, and that ment having to leave the house. Those salads are the fucking best. Otherwise, I would have just skipped the shower and just stayed in bed. Yeah, I know, gross. But if I am planning to not step one foot out of this house, I don't give a shit.

Since El Toritos is down at the San Leandro Marina, I figured I'd eat my salad in my car over looking the Oakland Airport. (Wishing I was on one of those planes bound for Europe. Yeah, Europe would be nice. Italy, Spain, France, England, Scotland, Ireland, Norway, the Netherlands, Czech Republic...I could go on. Start in Italy and work my way up to Finland. Yeah, that would be a great vacation. I think a month would just about be the ideal. Too bad I can't afford to take off for a month!)

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, still in fucking San Leandro at the Marina. I figured that since I was there I might as well take some pictures. I think they came out pretty good, considering (you know, the whole camera thing). For some reason these two are the ones I like the best. I know that this picture here with the row of boats would get a bad critique from the likes of the people at Popluar Photography & Imaging if I was to even be stupid enough to send it in to them, but I like it with the trees at the top of it. I don't know why, I just like views through tress and from underneath them. I like them and that is all that matters to me. Although, if I had my Nikon D50 (which I went and held today at BestBuy) I could have gotten some really great shots. What? I can go on about my Nikon D50 all I want! One day, soon, I will have one!

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