Monday, October 10, 2005

Stung by the splendour of a sudden thought.

Which is what I get for thinking that I should get out of bed and come into work this morning. Mondays are just bad. Bad. Did I mention that Monday's are bad?

Oh yeah, and did I mention that I almost got ran into by some guy in a truck that was talking on his cell phone, not even a hundred yards from the drive way to work? He was stopped at the stop sign, he saw me coming, he was looking right at me as he was yakking away on the phone, that he decided to go anyway. I had to slam on my breaks and swerve out of the way. And when he stopped he puts his hand up like it's okay for me to go. Yeah, buddy! I knew it was okay for me to go as you were stopped at the stop sign, seeing as I HAD THE RIGHT OF WAY YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!

I did mention that Moday's are bad, right? BAD!

There were just two too many days in between Friday and today. I couldn't remember what I ws working on Friday that I needed to finish today. It took all of my strength and a couple cups of very strong coffee just to keep me awake. I think I finally woke up around lunch time, I'm not sure though. I think the jury in my head is still out deliberating on that one. No wonder I was hearing all those voices...

But guess what?! It is now time for me to go work out. Whoop-EEEE! I am so damned excited about that, I can hardly stand it. Can't ya tell? I guess the good thing about it is that it means I'm off of work now. That's a good thing. Right?

Hell the FUCK yeah it is! So what am I still doing here?!? Bye!

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