I’m going to be turning 38 this year. Just hearing and looking at that number makes me cringe. But it’s just a number. Age is just a number. It doesn’t replace how you feel inside. Just because you get older it doesn’t mean that your taste in music or clothes or style changes. Well okay, for some it does, but that is because they were all old and stuffy in the first place! J/K. What I am getting at is some people do change from what they were like as a teenager growing up. The 20’s are all about finding yourself. Finding your true identity, finding what makes you you. For some, they knew what their true identities were and haven’t changed them one bit. They are who they are.
But like I said, age is just a number. Yeah, I’m going to be 38 this year and guess what? I’ve already got a few concerts lines up that I’ve got tickets for. Hell, one of them is even a free concert for CKY! Hell yeah! Yeah, I may be too old in your young, inexperienced eyes but I still love my music and I’m not giving it up just because you think I am too old to go to concerts. You might as well tell those musicians who are up there on that stage playing their music for you that they are too old, or that they have to stop once they reach 30. Yeah, did ever stop to think how old some of those musicians are? You'd be surprised to know that not all musicians are in their twenties. Just you try and tell a musician that once they reach the age of 30 they can't play anymore! Music is their lives, in their blood. You might as well tell them that they are dead. I can guarantee that you'd get a "Go FUCK yourself!" and they aren't going to ask you if you want to buy a vowel either.
Piercing’s? Well, let’s see… I’ve got 5 in my left ear (had 6 but took it out years ago only because it was bugging the hell out of me), 4 in my right ear, and I got my nose pierced about 4 years ago. For me, those are all the piercing’s that I’ve ever wanted. I’m not looking to get my tounge, nipples, labia, belly button, or any other body part or any other cartilaged part pierced. But that is just me.
Tattoos? Well that is a whole 'nother story entirely! I love tattoos. I’ve only got a few, but I am working on my next 2, 3, 4… I’ve got my whole back planned out, somewhat, along with the outsides of my hips, thighs, and calves all the way down to my feet. It’s just a matter of getting the right drawings done and then the money to get them inked. Hell, I know an older woman who is in her 60's or 70's that finally got her first tattoo. And she is proud of it. She got it because she wanted it, that is how she felt. And I say more power to her!
And in the eyes of the younger generation we are too old to do any of these?! I might as well be fucking dead then! That’s like saying I can’t be me. I’ve got a little advice for the younger generation. Why don’t you try being yourself and not what you think your friends or anyone else thinks you should be! Try it. You might find it exhilarating. Free your soul.
Society already trys to restrict us of who we are and how we should be. That includes young and old! Society does not have the right to dictate who we should be. It is our right to be who we are and no one else's.
Free to be me you you, baby. Free to be me and you...
You be you, I be me!
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